I’m Back!!

Hey guys, Yeah, so I was forced to neglect this site, as I had exams for the past month, and I had study time before that. Just a quick update though, I did manage to reach day 20 on most of my challenges, before I relapsed. It was terrible, as I had gotten so far, and yet didn’t make it. No matter though. Interstingly enough, I have had many emails come in telling me about how masturbation is the hardest one to quit, and how it is possible to quit it. I can give you one tip, and that is to not tempt yourself. Make a decision not to do it, and then for goodness’ sake, do not tempt yourself. Everybody has the willpower not to tempt themselves. A mistake that a lot of people make, is that they feel after 10 or 20 days that they are cured, and “test” themselves by taking a quick peek. DON’T DO IT, as you will not have enough willpower. In fact, even after 30 days you should just not do it. It is better for you.

Also, there will be a period of a few weeks to a month where you will just not get an erection. This is normal, and don’t be alarmed. You have not become suddenly impotent. In fact, this is probably the best time to talk to women. Anyways, as I failed, I am restarting the 21 day challenge again on June 1. I will have a lot more time this time around, as I am now free for over 2 months before I start university. Also, this time I am going to try and update daily to let you guys know the day to day changes that occur. So yeah, see you on June 1st.

21 day challenge – Running Start: March 1st, End: March 21st

This is an interesting one, as I have seen a lot of people form habits here. Running. This is just one of those things that humans do so naturally. We were born in fact, to run, and it has the great side-effect of keeping you in shape. There’ not too much I can say about running. I have been running for a long time now, and am consistently finishing 10km in around 40 minutes. A respectable time. But I am a very sporadic runner. I run maybe once a month, and I feel that if I run a lot more, my time should decrease to at least under 40 minutes. I want to see that happen! So, March 1st, I’m going to begin running 6km every other day for 21 days. Yes, I know, you seasoned runners are going to tell me that my speed will not increase if I run like this, and I fully agree with you. My speed will not increase if I run like this. However, this is just about forming the habit of running every other day. I can then add in all of my interval trainings and whatnot.

Also, if you guys would like to know, Excel is like magic. You can extremely simply make a chart like the SAMPLE CHART shown below. It just gives you an epic visual reference as to where you are at in the challenge. Also, if you somehow happen to fail at one of the tasks, you can just restart, and keep track of it using this chart.

Habit Chart

So, let’s do this. March 1st is when we start officially. Feel free to get started before if you want to. Running is where it is at. And then later we can start adding sprints into it as well, and a few gym workouts every week to build that muscle!

21 day challenge – No Masturbation Start: March 1st, End: March 21st

OK, so this is going to be one of my more controversial challenges. No masturbation. Ever. Yep, I can see half of you just sitting there in your seats going “WHAT!!?? IS HE CRAZY!???”. Trust me, I am not crazy, and I also have an extremely healthy libido. But let me tell you the backstory. Like most kids, I discovered masturbation at around the age of 13. It came really suddenly, and I had no idea at the time, but it felt really good. I have been doing it ever since, like most people, around once a day. Yes, this is perfectly normal behaviour, and every male does this (as far as I know). However, I have always hated the almost empty feeling that comes after masturbation. For me, it was, and still is, one of the most uncomfortable feelings in the world. So, I decided to do something about it. I decided to stop masturbating. First thing I need to clarify, is that you WILL NOT get testicular cancer or blue balls from not masturbating. That is a complete myth. However, it is extremely difficult, especially the first few days. Then, it kind of dies down, and then libido hits you like a train running over a beetle. You will quite literally get hard from a small breeze. And don’t even get started on hot women.

Anyways, so as this continued, I started to notice a few things that I did not expect. First of all, my physical performance increased leaps and bounds. I was running faster, lifting heavier, and all that good stuff. I felt absolutely amazing. Secondly, and even more importantly, me social skills went through the roof. I could quite literally talk to any person I wanted to, and conversations just flowed. I never got annoyed at anything, and the world was just good to me. My speech became so much better, with no more mumbling, and just more coherence.

Now for all you players out there, keep this in mind. This challenge is no masturbation, not no sex at all. I had my fair share of sex during when I stopped, and boy was it good. The reason I allow sex, is because it is a shared activity, not something solitary like masturbation. There is just that connection, and I never get that empty feeling after sex. There’s also some research on zinc depletion during masturbation and not during sex or something like that. You can research that if you want to. Keep in mind though, that you will need a bit of practice, as not masturbating will cause you to have really short sessions in the beginning.

Anyways, back on track. Life was great, and then I did the unthinkable. I was just browsing the internet, and BAM!, I see the hottest girl ever. Before I knew it, it was over. All my hard work down the drain. It was the worst feeling ever. I have tried many times after that unsuccessfully, but I never got far. It’s like quicksand, the harder you try, the quicker you sink. I have always wanted to go back to those few days of pure awesomeness I had, and that is why I want to put this as a challenge. I had no idea not masturbating would have this effect on me, it was just a nice surprise. I realize this may not be the case for many of you, but I say, try it out. Let your sexual energy out through other outlets, and just see how much you can do.